Explanation and Characteristics of Dances

General Information

Each dance begins with basic footwork and advances through beginner, intermediate, & advanced dance levels. Dancers at the beginner level have limited dance experience and are looking for a solid grounding in the basics with some detailed explanation of the dance character and footwork. The intermediate-level dancer understands the dance characteristics and footwork and expects the lesson to include more intricate moves and further details on leading and following. More advanced dancers are well-versed in footwork and the character of the dance and have developed their own personalities within the dance. The expectation for advanced dancers is usually more complex moves to intricate amalgamations.

Footwork for each dance follows specific characteristics and timing. For instance: two-step is a 6-count dance (or beats) with phrasing to 4/4 music. It is danced in a continuous movement around the dance floor in a counter-clockwise direction. Waltz is also done in a continuous and counter-clockwise direction but danced to 3/4 or 6/4 music. West Coast Swing & East Coast Swing, Night Club, & Cha-Cha are considered stationary dances, and while the couple may move about the dance floor, they usually return near the point on the dance floor where the dance began.

Specifics of Each Dance

Two Step is the signature dance of the country/western dance world and is a fun and lively dance with music ranging from slow to very fast. The most straightforward counting is quick-quick/slow-slow for a complete basic, with each quick requiring one beat of the music and each slow requiring two beats for a total of 6 beats per basic. Variations to the basic can be any combination of quick-quick and/or slow-slow.   There are many examples of this combination, but one might be six quick steps and two slow steps to finish the variation.

Waltz is a romantic dance and requires a solid frame.   The original counting for waltz was 1 – 2 – 3, 1 – 2 – 3, with one being on the heavier downbeats. It has become popular to count waltz as 1 – 2 – 3,  4 – 5 – 6  for a complete basic. The leader’s initial step remains on the heavy solid downbeat of music on the left foot for 1, with the follower stepping to their right foot on the same beat. The right foot for the leader would then begin the second half of the basic to the secondary heavy downbeat of music on 4 with the follower stepping to their left foot.

West Coast Swing (WCS) is a playful dance done mostly along a line, or connection between the partners consisting of the center rail, left rail, and right rail commonly referred to as the “track.”  Basic counting for this dance is 1-2, 3&4, 5&6, with 5&6. There is forward and reverse movement on steps 1 through 4; however, 5&6 are usually done more in place as an “anchor step.” There is no formal “closed” position as in other dances, but the dance is often begun in a closed position similar to ECS.   This initial position also serves as a pivot point for other moves (such as the whip and its variations). The basic dance generally progresses back and forth along the ‘track”; however, the track is dynamic and can be moved around the dance floor. There should be a playful connection between partners for WCS. It resembles Shag, and music is similar for both dances; however, WCS has its own personality and style.

East Coast Swing (ECS) is considered a “stationary” dance and is typically done to more upbeat music than WCS.   The dance is high energy and rotates in a small circular fashion, typically remaining near the beginning point throughout the dance. Counting for this dance is 1&2, 3&4, 5-6, similar to WCS, but the different order of triples and single steps creates a very different look and feel. The basic opening has both partners facing forward and slightly angled toward each other. This “closed” position can also be used as a move within the dance and is often used as a transition from one move to another. The dance resembles Jive and Jitterbug and can be danced to some of the same music as those dances, but it has its own characteristics and flow.

Cha-Cha is a Latin dance with an emphasis on the hip actions of each partner. Opening for this dance is usually done in a closed position with several counting schemes used. While ballroom-style Cha-Cha typically begins on 2, country-style Cha-Cha begins on 1.  It is an energetic dance characterized by Latin Motion. Simply shaking the hips back and forth is not the preferred way to make the hips move, but it is created by a circular up-and-down movement of the hips and is generated from the action of the knees, footwork, and body angle.

Night Club  (NC) is also considered a stationary dance. It was previously called Night Club 2 but was confused with 2 Step, so the name was changed to Night Club. The dance progresses back and forth along a line parallel to the dance couple and crosses this line of dance, reversing the dancers’ relationship to the line of dance. The basic dance usually begins along this line; however, in contrast to the other dances, the leader will often make the initial step to their right. This is a romantic dance, and sway plays an essential role in the character of the dance.  The basic step for NC consists of 4 beats made up of 2 quick steps and one slow one. Music is similar to that of a 2 Step but with a much slower tempo, usually between 60 and 70 beats per minute.

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